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Amina Khan

A qualified pharmacist for over 10 years, Amina has created a successful skincare and supplements business. She wants to prove to Lord Sugar that her business acumen is more than skin deep.

Fact title Fact data
Pharmacist & Business Owner

What's your biggest business success to date?
I started my business from zero and made my first turnover of £1 million within two years of launching my skincare and supplements brand. I achieved all this with no investment, no business background, no social media following and only in-house marketing. To think, I couldn’t even afford a cheeky Nando’s three years ago!

I am one of the hardest working women I know. There is no one else like me.

What's your biggest business fail?
In the three years of running my business? None. I am a massive risk taker, but I also pride myself in making calculated decisions when it comes to my brand. I’ve never made a loss, and the numbers speak for themselves.

Tell us something about yourself.
When I was 13-years-old, I remember sitting in school one day and made a pact to myself that I would do whatever it takes to become a millionaire. Having grown up in an underprivileged background with two immigrant parents trying to make ends meet, I have been relentlessly grinding since then to get to where I am today.

Why do you deserve Lord Sugar’s investment?
I’ve already made over £2 million in my three years of business - with very healthy profits. I have no fancy team or office, and I started from zero. On my own, I’ve built the foundations for a very successful business, and joining forces with Lord Sugar means we would dominate the market overnight. I am also one of the hardest working women I know. There is no one else like me. My drive and determination are unmatched.