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Simon Mayo Drivetime


  • So long and thanks for all the fish

    Simon Mayo


    It’s Douglas Adams of course. Said by the dolphins as they leave the earth before it’s demolished to make way for a hyper-space bypass. I’m not sure who’s the fish and who’s the earth in this analogy so let’s move on...

    1) Yesterday was tough. I would never have finished with the live Sunshine On Leith from our Edinburgh show but it was Matt’s choice. A good call but he wasn’t making it easy was he? I’d have gone for Olly Murs or something
    2) One more time. Thanks Nigel, thanks Matt. Wonderful professionals, wonderful colleagues.
    3) Thanks to the producers of this show over 8 years. Devoted, skilled practitioners of their craft who toil to make their shows shiny and lovely.
    4) And so to you dear member of the blogging vanguard. At the heart of everything. Kind, resourceful, devoted, passionate, informed and committed. Thanks for the tunes, the arguments, the news, the posts and that unshakable devotion to the show. I hope you’re going nowhere. We’re just dreaming it all up again.
    5) And afore we go...for old times sake...your All Request Friday is kicking off with some 1988 tunes. Some big hair and some big hits. Please.
    6) That’s it
    7) Back after the break
    8) Nil desperandum
    9) All will…

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  • Heaven help us all

    Simon Mayo


    So. Farewell to Nigel. No one else can do food on the radio like Nige. Such a fabulous supporter of British products and producers, such a great member of the team. He goes back, of course, to Chris’s time on the show which makes him the longest runner of all of us. Good luck Nigel. Now I’m going to have to feed myself on Thursdays.
    (I know this is relentless)

    And farewell also to Matt. Where to begin. From the start he’s been such an integral part of the show, it’s difficult to think of life without him. Best sports guy, best atmosphere guy, best laughing guy, best reading guy. Apart from that, not much good. At least Liverpool won...
    And so one more time for a show-friendly playlist. I’m thinking BEDTIME STORIES as Elton John reads for CÂ鶹ÊÓƵAV today. Now there’s a thought. Give us your best shot.

  • I try to laugh about it

    Simon Mayo


    Still here, staggering on. My broken boiler still shows no signs of life-it huffs and puffs, bangs and clangs but fails to actually generate any heat. Sometime soon an engineer will turn up(another one) and peer knowingly at it, shake his/her head, mutter some incantations then shrug meaningfully. Time to boil those kettles!

    Robert Webb today. His memoir ‘How Not To Be A Boy’ has been quite something. When you get a quote from JK Rowling on the cover, you know you’re on to something (not jealous at all). It’s really a meditation on masculinity and the way our expectations of boys and boys behaviour needs to change. And its very funny! And a BOYS PLAYLIST will sound just fine and dandy don’t you think?

  • What you gonna do when the well runs dry?

    Simon Mayo


    So thanks so much for all the warm messages of support here yesterday. Knowing how much our show is enjoyed will send us into the future with a spring in our step. If you could give us time to prepare our genius, that would be appreciated.

    It’s the last Tunesday today which will be a mighty thing indeed, and I reckon as its National Walking Month, a WALKING playlist is almost the same thing a brisk lap of the park. But you can bring your flip-flops.


  • Under them skies of blue

    Simon Mayo


    Well here we are again, however briefly. It is my understanding that, as far as this blog is concerned, sadly the end is nigh. This blog has always been at the heart of everything we’ve done, continuing what Chris Evans started. All the songs all the guests all the features all get discussed here first and I have appreciated every post you’ve made. However brilliant the new show will be, I’ll miss the constant support you’ve provided over the years. There’ll be loads of ways of taking part in the new show and I hope you’ll find a swanky new birth in the new cruise liner (confusing mixed…

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  • While we are far away...

    Simon Mayo


    Back for a day! Off for a week! Back for a week! It’s all a bit confusing I grant you but there it is. Not a bad day to be away from the studios you have to say. Round these parts, folk were clogging up the parks and pubs from the early hours. We’re all so grateful having been wrapped up with scarves and hats so recently that we grab every ray on offer. Look out for many overly-cooked faces on view today...

    A 2-show day today with Lily James talking The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society based on the best selling book (can we call it TGLAPPPS?) which I enjoyed, then we’ll perform…

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  • Spread my wings and fly away

    Simon Mayo


    A sunny April morning now, though it was a murky one at 4.30am let me tell you! What was there to be done at that time? Eat toast is the answer (along with marvelling at my own idiocy). It’ll be a long old day (and wearing a suit too, always my favourite thing).
    Simon Reeve wont be impressed with that kind of thing; if you spend your time traveling and adventuring all you want (it seems) is a pair of sensible shoes and some tea bags. We can provide that. Simon after 6.

    And as its the 80th anniversary of Superman today, lets assemble a SUPERHERO playlist. I’m sure a cape over my suit will be…

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  • Gone, gone, gone

    Simon Mayo


    Well that was fun. Always enjoy talking to Simon Schama, his enthusiasm for his subjects is always contagious. The Â鶹ÊÓƵAV’s arts editor might not be quite so enthusiastic (evidently!) but the rest of us can only marvel. And when you see the staggering colours on display, you now know that it is Prof Schama who has overseen the colour balance on your screen. The Civilisations series finishes next week.

    Today we’re rolling on with one of those lovely Tunesdays after 6 and there is the unbridled joy of a BAT playlist. Today is National Bat Appreciation Day and you can show that appreciation by…

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  • Baby I remember

    Simon Mayo


    Looks pretty good from here-warmer temperatures, birds are singing, flowers are blooming. Hope your weekend was a fine one all round.
    Today we really do welcome Simon Schama to the show. We tried to have him on the show a while back, when his Civilisations programme was just starting but it fell through at the last minute. But we are confident it’ll happen this time. I love his programmes. Simon is such a passionate communicator. When he stands in front of the camera, telling you things about art or history or pretty much anything really, he’s a tour de force. The Civilisations programmes are…

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  • I let the melody shine

    Simon Mayo


    Well yesterday’s early start was at least for a purpose-Burton On Trent was looking lovely. Today’s early start was just for the ‘fun’ of it. 3.30 am! What a fabulous time of day this is; always dark, always silent, always knackering. Still, so much to do, let’s put it to good use. Tidy. Iron. Write. Tidy some more etc. 5pm seems a long way away...

    However when we get there, it’ll be 1997 to kick things off. Blimey its 21 years ago (brilliant how I worked that out). Welcome the Teletubbies, welcome Channel 5 and welcome (with spells on) Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone. You might have…

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