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Greenland: 1/5 Landfall

A report presented to the UN COP25 Climate talks in Madrid showed that Greenland's ice sheet is melting much faster than previously thought - ice is being lost seven times faster than it was in the 1990s.

In the summer, Alun Hubbard, Professor of Glaciology at Aberystwyth University went on an expedition to Greenland to measure the ice. He's been on similar research trips for over a decade, and this time, he recorded audio diaries for Radio 4's World at One about the changes he witnessed.

In this first report, he notes how the ice sheet is "in retreat" - he puts it down to the "atmospheric and ocean warming, of which humans are playing a part."

(Photo:Sailing through Prins Chrisian Sund in Greenland
Credit: Chris Rubens)

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3 minutes

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