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Andrew Lansley: "my heart says I'd love to stay in Westminster"

Becky Milligan speaks to Andrew Lansley MP as he prepares to stand down from Parliament

Becky Milligan speaks to Andrew Lansley MP as he prepares to stand down from Parliament.

In a statement in relation to his position on the government's health reforms, Dr Peter Carter, Chief Executive & General Secretary of the Royal College of Nursing, said:

"The RCN was initially broadly supportive of the principles of the Health and Social Care Bill, specifically its focus on patient centred, clinician led care. However, as more details emerged such as the emphasis on competition, the lack of clarity as to how things would work, and the failure to ensure nursing leadership representation on Clinical Commissioning Group Boards, we became increasingly concerned. The RCN made clear that we had serious reservations about the direction the reforms were taking. These were aired long before our 2011 Congress. There was then robust discussion about our concerns at RCN Congress in 2011 and ultimately the RCN reached the position of opposing the Bill. Since that time, we have consistently highlighted the reality of these changes to the NHS and their effects on the frontline."

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8 minutes

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