Proms 2024
20 Medi 1921, Queen's Hall

Proms 1921 Prom 33

Prom 33
20:00 Maw 20 Medi 1921 Queen's Hall


      • Rapsodie norvégienne
      • Eugene OneginAria 'Puskay pogibnu ya' Act 1 Scene 2
      • Concerto for Piano in C sharp minor, Op 30
      • Lalla-Roukh, Op 28 First performance in England
      • Le roi de LahoreRecitative & aria 'Aux troupes du Sultan...Promesse de mon avenir' Act 4 Proms premiere
        • egwyl
        • Pictures at an Exhibition (orch. Henry Wood)No. 16 The Great Gate at Kiev
        • Pictures at an Exhibition (orch. Henry Wood)No. 1 Promenade I
        • Pictures at an Exhibition (orch. Henry Wood)No. 2 Gnomus
        • Pictures at an Exhibition (orch. Henry Wood)No. 6 Tuileries: Dispute d'enfants après jeux
        • Pictures at an Exhibition (orch. Henry Wood)No. 7 Bydlo
        • Pictures at an Exhibition (orch. Henry Wood)No. 9 Ballet of the Unhatched Chicks
        • Pictures at an Exhibition (orch. Henry Wood)No. 10 Two Polish Jews - One Rich, One Poor
        • Pictures at an Exhibition (orch. Henry Wood)No. 12 Limoges: Le marché
        • Pictures at an Exhibition (orch. Henry Wood)No. 15 The Hut on Fowl's Legs
        • The Birth of ArthurLove and Night
        • Love's a merchant
        • She is far from the land
        • MazeppaEntr'acte: The Battle of Poltava Act 3 No. 15


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    Rhan o

    Proms 1921